SiteBar 3 Install & Upgrade Guide ================================= 1) Download and unpack the package (X stands for current release version): tar xfj SiteBar-X.tar.bz2 - or - unzip Files will be unpacked into a new directory having the same base name as the file "SiteBar-X". 2) Move the content of the installation package to a place accessible to your HTTP server (let's assume it will be accessible at http://localhost/sitebar/ ). You can move the files on Linux with: mv SiteBar-X/* sitebar/ - or - cp -R SiteBar-X/* sitebar/ 3) Open page http://localhost/sitebar/index.php and let yourself be guided through the rest of the installation/upgrade. Please note that on the DB Configuration page you are asked for parameters of your MySQL connection like username/password and database host address. The installation ends with the message that you are welcome to SiteBar. Upgrade ends on your login screen or if you were logged in before installation then you might still be logged (if there was no change in login mechanism). Notes: ====== Installation assumes you either already have the database or have the right to create it from a PHP script. For MySQL beginners: If you have just installed your MySQL to run SiteBar then the password of the root user is empty. It is not the root user of your server. You may want to read more on MySQL security topic: The SiteBar 3.3 and higher use centralized integrator page. This allows latest integration and usage tips be available to all SiteBar users without any need to upgrade. The centralized page is located at SiteBar project webspace . In case this address becomes slow or in any other case you can switch in "SiteBar Settings" to use local integrator page.